Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I am always right

My sister and I agree on one thing. I am always right and she is always wrong. I hear my mom differently than she does. I just never heard her until the other day. And boy does it make it difficult. My sister is constantly being put down. While I am constantly being raised higher.

Until, that is my Cousin, who is on the mount everest of pedestal's became my foil. Then I too heard that I am wrong. I am inadequate. I just never heard it until this past weekend.

Its funny, because I am always right. I will fight and argue until I have either lost the battle or your respect, only to prove that I am always right. I am always right unless someone shows me that I am wrong; then I admit it, so I can always be right.

How can my sister and I be so different. Why is it so? Is it not strange that two adults with so much in common can be so different at their core? The one thing that makes me go - to prove to you that I am right; is the same that stops my sister from advancing up the hill.

It shouldn't be that way, but it is.


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