Monday, November 14, 2005

Where do the dead animals go?

I don't really know where the dead animals go.

If I was a Buddhist, I would have to say that the good doggies come back to earth as better doggies; they do this repeatedly until they reach a state of Doggie Nirvana. Bad doggies on the other hand return to earth as bad little cats so that the good doggies can torment them endlessly.

Of course I am not a Buddhist, nor am I a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim. Although I sometime use Buddhism to help me with difficult problems, I have also looked at the concepts in the Tao Te Ching (The power and the Way), and have reflected on the masters of Tai Chi. And it might be argued that the Western Gods of the Bible, the Torah and the Koran, have had an influence on me, I still do not believe in Doggie Heaven nor do I really believe in a state of enlightenment that transcends the earthly bounds of our mortal coils.

I would say that the humanist in me believes that good doggies go to the crematorium and the bad doggies (a.k.a. the spoiled ones) go to the pet cemetery!


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